A new, exciting era begins.

A new, exciting era begins.

Since 2007, tens of thousands of people have trusted us with their journey tο regain their good health. With our scientific knowledge and extensive experience in weight management, we help people adopt healthy eating habits to live better.

We are proud of it!

After all these years, the time has come for a big change, a step on our path. The step that leads to an important development!
Today, driven by the latest scientific data and the most recent medical studies and guidelines of international organizations, such as the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, (ESPEN), we are launching a NEW ERA!

Eurodiet Med evolves into Evivios Med.

Evivios = Good + Life, (coming from 2 Greek words, indicating the life that causes joy and satisfaction).

So Evivios Med from today!

So Evivios Med from today!

Our vision is still the same:  a world of people at their ideal weight, healthy, full of vitality and with a lasting smile of contentment!

Urged by the most recent scientific data, concerning nutrition, we restructured our method, products, and services.

We are redesigning our method and renaming it to Evivios.We are upgrading our product range, with products of high nutritional value. Our new product line is also renamed to Evivios Nutrition.We technologically upgrade the tools of our method and services. The new era begins today, and we are launching it with a NEW BRAND NAME:

Evivios Med

More, in our new website soon!